Customer Testimonials

See what our happy customers have to say about service.

Thank you very much for your email. The Premium blue slips I ordered from you previously arrived the very next day (Royal Mail can do their job sometimes!) and as I had left it to the very last minute to order, this was most welcome. Thanks again!
C.P. Nottingham

Hi I just wanted to say that I have always been well satisfied with your service which is a splendid example of how on-line purchasing should operate.
G.F. Luton

I didn't place my order until yesterday afternoon, and I got 1000 green statndard slips in the morning!! That's really amazing service. Thanks a lot. Kind Regards,
B.G. Pall mall

Just to let you know that I've been very happy with your quick service you have provided. The last order I placed, was on a Thursday evening, and package came on Saturday morning, I was very impressed. Your prices are very good. Keep up the great service.
B D. Birmingham

Used you guys before. Just want to say you've saved me a packet, Keep up the good work guys.
M. Willesden

Thank you very much for your quick replies and service, like I say I don't use any other payroll sellers other than you, Thanks again .

Very many thanks. I was very impressed with the speed of your delivery service. I only ordered in the afternoon, and it was with me by 10-30a.m. the following morning. I have recommended you to other compaines. Its unusual nowadays to get such good service.
P.B. London

Dear Sirs, I would just like you to know that I am very impressed indeed with your prices, efficiency and prompt service. I wish you every success. Do not trouble to acknowledge this, you are busy enough. Cheers,
P.M. Manchester

I ordered Wednesday mid morning and the wage packs arrived 9.00am Thursday. Can't get much quicker than that. Thanks for excellent service (and to Royal Mail of course).
R.W. SW London

Have ordered a couple of times from you & its been Very efficient. Have taken to advising people I know to use you so keep up the good work or I'll be in trouble!
R.H. Director

Dear Sir, yours was next day, thank you for an excellent service and good quality goods.
Yours Truly, R.M. Chester

I just wanted to thank you for such a brilliant and speedy service. You did exactly as you promised and more. You are the best value stationary service on the web and so easy to deal with. I'd definitely recommend you. Thanks again
K Darling-Finan